Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hormonal Imbalance

Hey Friends, it's been awhile. Hope you are all doing well. I haven't fallen off the wagon! In fact, I've been very busy figuring my body out. Before the holidays, I visited a doc who did a hormone workup for me. I just felt strongly that my hormones were way out of balance with my moodiness, lack of losing weight, sugar cravings, lack of energy, and poor sleep.

Well, I was right! I saw the doc last week and he informed me that my progesterone levels were low to non-existent. My DHEA levels were the same. Also, I have very low testosterone and a vitamin D deficiency. Wow, am I in bad shape?! He told me this is common after pregnancy and that these hormones also start to decrease in the mid-30s. Sometimes it takes two years for the body to begin producing progesterone after having a baby. Also, my adrenal gland is SHOT!!!

So, I am working hard to get my hormones balanced and taking a ton of supplements to improve my health and get me where I need to be.

B complex morning and afternoon
Vit D, 2000 i.u.
Adrenal Rebuilder 3 times a day
Fish Oil, 1000 mg
Vit. C, 300 mg
Progesterone cream
DHEA cream

Excessive, Maybe? But, I'm deficient and I can tell. Don't worry, I'm not going to go all Suzanne Somers on you!

I also went to a nutritionist earlier this week. I'll tell you more about that later. I've been documenting my food every day for the last week. I'll post that later. I gave some of it to the nutritionist though so I can only do a few days! I'm excited that I have more knowledge about what is going on with my body and what I need to do to fix it!

God Bless,

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