Friday, January 28, 2011


Have I mentioned how much I LOVE cookies! I LOVE soft melt in your mouth cookies. I've had 2 today! Oops, and some cinamon rolls too! The willpower is not good! So, a nice healthy veggie loaded dinner tonight it is. I made the hungry chick chunky chicken soup last night and that is what I'll be having tonight. It's pretty good stuff, loaded with good-for-you-veggies.

I have lost 4 lbs since I've started my blog. Not as many as I could have, but more than I would've otherwise. If I could just buckle down and lose the sweet tooth we'd really be on to some amazing results! When the kiddo's wake up from their nap, we are going to take a long walk. But now, I'm going to go do a 20 min. workout! Have a great Friday afternoon!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daily Food Log for 1/25/11


3 cups of coffee, 3 sun crystals, 3 tbsp milk ( I know, that's a lot of coffee!)
2 Scrambled eggs with chopped onions, green peppers, and tomatoes
Mixed with a small handful of mozz cheese and a splash of milk.

No midmorning snack. I ate breakfast at 9:00

2 cups mixed lettuce
1/2 roma tomato
boars head sliced deli chicken
7 baby carrots
rasberry vinegrette
handful of mozz cheese
1/8 cup of avacado
5 corn chips

Grandma's cookies (bad bad bad)
Diet Coke - just thought I needed to pump my body up with some bad chemicals!

Lean round steak
1/2 cup corn
1/4 cup jasmine rice
2 oz, seasoned yogurt (topped the rice and steak, fat free)

10 lb slimdown - lower body! Lots of squats and lunges and 10 minutes on the elliptical. (Not much, but I just hate the elliptical!)

Better day minus the yummy cookies! I just love cookies! Especially if they are soft.

Have a good night ya'll!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Daily Food Log 1/24/11

Today' food log

Two fried eggs with olive oil
2 cups of coffee with sun crystals and milk

1 slice of deli meat at Kroger while grocery shopping

2 cups salad greens
1/4 cup green pepper
1/2 cup cottage cheese
3 slices deli chicken (Boar's Head is the best!)
1 1/2 tbsp of ranch dressing (not the best choice, just the yummiest one)
Chedder cheese 1/2 ounce

1 cookie
1/8 cup raisins
1/8 cup golean crunch

Almond Chicken (Yummy, but you use whipping cream which is high in fat)
1/2 cup brown rice
1 cup steamed frozen veggies

Overall, this was not a BAD day, but I ate all carbs for my afternoon snack, and high sugar too. I don't feel too bad about eating almond chicken, because it was high protein and the rice was my only carb (grain) for the day. I ate more veggies than usual which I am happy about.

Tomorrow I need to cut down on sugar intake and eat more protein!

I walked two miles with the kids today! That is a workout with the stroller and the energy it takes to hold a conversation with my controversal 4-year-old.

Have a great night everyone!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Menu for the week of Jan. 24.

Monday: Toasted Almond Chicken with brown rice and steamed veggies

Tuesday: Hungry Chick Chicken Soup. New recipe in the crockpot

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Quck Lasagna from the Fix it and Forget it Lightly.

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Lemon-Coated Tilapia, Uncle Bens Rice, and Steamed Green Beans

Sunday: Leftovers

The menu is tricky this month because I am working three weeknights and not home to cook. So, I am trying two new crockpot recipes. Hopefully they are yummy!!!


I am totally failing at this blog thing! I am not giving up, just need to step it up! I am kind of failing at my eating too. That's why I need to blog, to hold myself accountable by logging my food. Too many sugars and carbs! I have the tools and knowledge I need to suceed, just not the will-power! I need someone to come over here and kick my BUTT into high gear! Geez! Tomorrow is Monday and I'm going to log my food, exercise, and blog!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Conquer!

Today is the day I am going to conquer the laundry! It is over the top!!! So are the dishes! I mean, they are overflowing the sink! We had Jake's b-day dinner last night and the dishes never got done! Gonna be a busy day taking care of this mess! Got my workout clothes and my shape-ups on!

What are you going to conquer today?

Hormonal Imbalance

Hey Friends, it's been awhile. Hope you are all doing well. I haven't fallen off the wagon! In fact, I've been very busy figuring my body out. Before the holidays, I visited a doc who did a hormone workup for me. I just felt strongly that my hormones were way out of balance with my moodiness, lack of losing weight, sugar cravings, lack of energy, and poor sleep.

Well, I was right! I saw the doc last week and he informed me that my progesterone levels were low to non-existent. My DHEA levels were the same. Also, I have very low testosterone and a vitamin D deficiency. Wow, am I in bad shape?! He told me this is common after pregnancy and that these hormones also start to decrease in the mid-30s. Sometimes it takes two years for the body to begin producing progesterone after having a baby. Also, my adrenal gland is SHOT!!!

So, I am working hard to get my hormones balanced and taking a ton of supplements to improve my health and get me where I need to be.

B complex morning and afternoon
Vit D, 2000 i.u.
Adrenal Rebuilder 3 times a day
Fish Oil, 1000 mg
Vit. C, 300 mg
Progesterone cream
DHEA cream

Excessive, Maybe? But, I'm deficient and I can tell. Don't worry, I'm not going to go all Suzanne Somers on you!

I also went to a nutritionist earlier this week. I'll tell you more about that later. I've been documenting my food every day for the last week. I'll post that later. I gave some of it to the nutritionist though so I can only do a few days! I'm excited that I have more knowledge about what is going on with my body and what I need to do to fix it!

God Bless,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lentil Food Facts

I have never had lentils before! They have never appealed to me. Today I am going to change that. I am making lentil soup. Supposedly they are very good for us. They have tons of folic acid and a fiber than cleans the digestive system and lowers cholesterol. They are low if fight and 26% protein. They are full of vitamins and minerals.

Check out these links for more information about lentils. I'll let you know what I think.

I am still on Board!

Hi! I have not abandoned my board or my goals! I have been super busy, and now not feeling well. I am still exercising and trying to eat better. Doing great today so far! I'll try and log my food today! Just got a yucky sore throat and some aches to go with it!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The right time is Now!

Hi friends! I just read this great article in the Shape mag. I am going to copy it verbatim!

Right now is the perfect time!
Run a 10K, learn French, deliver a long-overdue apology to a friend...Instead of constantly promising yourself you'll do something tomorrow, decide to take action this minute0even in a small way, like lacing up your sneakers or finding a language school online. It's incredibly freeing to realize you have the poser to do something now that will help you reach your objective. You just have to choose to take a step forward.
-Michele Bernhardt, creator of and author of colorstrology.
Love it!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Daily Dozen!

Hi There! While I am not posting my Daily Food Log today, I am going to make a list of the most important things I want to complete on a daily basis. There are so many things I do in a day, but some aren't very important. I spend too much time on the internet doing random things (facebook) and not enough time doing things that are important, like coloring with Erin or getting house-hold chores done. So, here is my list of priorities for every day:

1. Devotional/Bible reading/Prayer
2. Exercise
3. Eat three healthy meals and two healthy snack
4. Take my vitamins
5. 30 minutes (at least) de-cluttering and cleaning the house.
6. Complete work related tasks (notes/phone calls)
7. Playtime with Erin
8. Playtime with Jake
9. Chore time with Erin (trying to make her more responsible)
10. Devotional with Erin
11. Quality time with my husband, Jason
12. Drink Water!

I think these are the most important things to do in my day. They are not ranked in order of importance, except number 1. Spending time in the word and with God is the only way I will be able to accomplish all my daily tasks and long-term goals! He gives me the strength I need.

What are your daily goals and priorities?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you! I hope you all have a blessed 2011 full of health and happiness! No food log today, taking it easy! But, I'll be at it starting tomorrow!!

God Bless you and yours!